Unlike a regular use automobile the value of an Antique Auto typically goes up.
As the owner of an Antique or Classic Automobile you know the value of your vehicle when you purchase the insurance. But as time goes by this value may change and unlike a regular use vehicle the value typically goes up. The antique auto policy does not self-adjust as values change. That's why it's so important to review your policy annually and ask your insurance agent to make any needed changes.
Not to mention you may be doing restoration work that will cause the value to increase.
You love your car and spend hours and dollars on improving it. With every hour that is spent and every dollar that is spent the value is changing. Unless you let your agent know about the change the policy does not change with your car. That's why we are sharing this tip today. Agents at Jack Bradley Agency want you to have the coverage that makes you happy in the event of a claim.
Most antique auto or classic auto policies are written on an agreed value basis.
This means the agreed value showing on the policy is the amount that you and the company have already agreed on in the event of a total loss claim.
Antique Auto policies are very specialized.
Your ordinary car insurance policy may not be the right fit for something that's so important to you. At Jack Bradley Agency we represent several well know companies that specialize in antique and classic car insurance.
Make sure you partner with the right agent that understands Antique Auto Insurance. We would love to be that agent at Jack Bradley Agency.
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Jack Bradley Agency, Inc.
Insuring the Important Things in Life