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Jack Bradley Agency Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

How to Choose Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are essential for any home, so you should ensure that your house is equipped with them. You should have detectors in the main living areas on each floor, including in every bedroom...

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How to Scale Your Insurance as Your Business Grows

As your business grows, so do its associated risks. Whether you are offering new products, increasing your headcount, expanding your operational structure, or shifting to a new location, all these moves come with...

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How to Make a Fire Safety Plan

No one likes to think about the possibility of a fire in their home, but this is one situation where it definitely pays to be prepared. This is especially true if you have children or pets in your home. Read on to learn...

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5 Safety Tips to Reduce Workplace-Related Injuries

As a business owner and employer, it is your moral and legal obligation to keep your employees safe and healthy at all times. Despite your intentional efforts to keep their work environment as safe as possible,...

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Hickory, Dickory, Dock. The Mouse Went Up the Clock...

Mice, who knew they could be such a pain? - (Pro Mice Tip: They may be small, but their damage can be mighty.) Blog Post Contributed by Kim Ayers We are on the brink of cooler weather coming into the North Georgia...

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How to Decide If Solar Panels Are Right for Your Home

Solar panels can provide clean electricity for your home, helping you to save money on energy costs while also doing your part to help the environment. However, not all homes are suited to solar energy. Here's what you...

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5 Basic Coverage Options New Businesses Should Consider

Businesses are exposed to many different types of risks. A single, unfortunate incident or lawsuit can cause your business to crash before it can even get off the ground. Luckily, there is a wide range of business...

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Coffee Shops: We love them, we insure them.

There’s just something about a coffee shop that draws you in. - Is it the aroma drifting out the door? Is it the group of moms that just dropped their kids off at school that are enjoying their few moments of grown-up...

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How Independent Agents Are Different from Captive Agents

When it comes to buying insurance, you have two primary options available to you: independent agents like us, and captive agents. While both can provide insurance services, these two types of insurance agents are not...

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6 Tips to Minimize Risk of Extreme Weather on Your Business

Extreme weather can wreak havoc on your business. Tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes, windstorms, flash floods, snowstorms, and blizzards - are you prepared for any of these to strike? Taking precautions against Mother...

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